Anastasia: The Complete Collection (Vol. 1-4) Read online
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He gripped her hips, pushing harder and sinking half of his ten inches into Victoria’s clutching rear passage. “Jesus! You’ve got the hottest ass I’ve ever fucked, Ellie. It’s a thing of beauty, honestly.”
“Mmm,” she muttered, wriggling her hips. “Stop talking and fuck it then. You have to get home to your wife and I’ve got friends waiting!”
Frank hissed a breath between his teeth as he thrust the last few inches of his cock home. Anastasia blinked, unable to believe he’d gotten all of his massive prick into Victoria. But Frank’s belly was pressed tight against the redhead’s ass. “Fuck your friends,” he grunted.
Victoria mewled as Frank pulled slowly out of her, and gave a long, low ‘Ahhhhh’ as he shoved his cock back into her. He began to pump his hips, breathing hard. His face was flushed and his thin brown hair flopped over his forehead as he pounded his cock into Victoria’s bowels.
Anastasia’s breath, too, was coming quickly as she rubbed her palm against her clit. In the mirror above the sinks, she watched as Victoria’s hand left her breasts and reached down between her spread legs. She couldn’t see from the angle of the bathroom stall, but it was clear that Victoria was teasing her own pussy. Anastasia swallowed hard.
Her boss was fucking Victoria fast and hard now, huffing and grunting. Victoria’s enormous breasts jiggled and swayed with the motion. The sight was mesmerizing. Anastasia couldn’t tear her eyes away. She wondered how heavy they would be in her hands, how soft the skin would feel. Except for Victoria’s nipples, of course. Those would be hard against her lips. Her own nipples were hard as diamonds, throbbing, chafing against the lace of her bra.
Anastasia pumped her fingers inside her slick pussy in time with the movements of Victoria’s arm, as if it was the curvy redhead fingering her. Her whole body trembled with desire. She’d never looked at another woman with lust, ever. But Victoria... it was if she was made of sex. Anastasia couldn’t help thinking about it whenever she was around her. And right now, she didn’t care. She was just too damned turned on.
“Ooh, yeah, baby. God, your cock feels so good, Frankie. Fuck me harder!”
Frank slammed his cock into Victoria’s ass in reply. “Gonna come soon, Ellie. Fuck. Feels too good.”
Victoria whimpered, bucking her hips. “Do it. Come in me. Come on, baby. Fill me up with that hot cream.”
Anastasia had never heard someone talk like that. The words were filthy, but they made her whole body throb. She rubbed her clit harder, pinching her nipples through her shirt. Like Frank, she too was going to come soon. Victoria was pressing herself back, impaling her ass on Frank’s thrusting cock with equal fervor, moaning a litany of ‘oh yeah, fuck me’ and ‘harder’.
“Ellie, christ,” Frank grunted. “Feel so good on my dick, baby. So hot, so tight. That’s it, squeeze me. Fuck!” He lunged forward, burying himself deeply inside Victoria, ass cheeks clenching as he came. As if the flood of semen inside her set off a trigger, Victoria too began to orgasm.
“Fuuuuck, Frankie!” she cried, grinding her ass on his prick. She shook, tits brushing the counter as she bucked and writhed. Anastasia bit her lip, hard, as her own climax swamped her, sparking through her blood. She leaned against the stall wall as her pussy clamped rhythmically around her invading fingers, and panted.
Outside the stall, Frank was pulling out of Victoria’s ass, breath still ragged. She handed him a damp paper towel and he swabbed at his slimy, softening cock. “You’re the best, Ellie. God, I love your ass.”
She was dabbing a paper towel between her own thighs, face flushed. She chuckled. “As long as it’s just my ass. You know I don’t do the sentimental bullshit.”
“I know, babe. No worries.” He tossed the paper towel, tucked his prick back into his pants, and rinsed his hands and face at the sink.
Victoria finished buttoning her blouse back up. “Hurry up, will you?”
“Geez, what’s the rush? I thought I was the one with a wife to get home to, not you.”
“I told you, I’ve got friends waiting. I don’t want to be gone too long.” Victoria checked her make-up in the mirror, wiping away a stray smear of lipstick. Frank quirked an eyebrow at her.
“And I say again, fuck your friends.”
Victoria tucked her shirt back into her skirt and pulled up her panties. “You’d like to, wouldn’t you? My new friend, I mean.”
“What? The new intern?” Frank did up his belt, inclining his head. Anastasia froze. They were talking about her.
“Yeah, the new intern.” Victoria picked up her purse from the floor and rifled through it.
Frank crossed to the door and unlocked it. “She’s your friend now?”
“Yeah,” Victoria replied, pulling out a stick of gum and popping it in her mouth. “And she told me you couldn’t stop talking about her ass all day. I know everything, mister.” The redhead chuckled. Frank shook his head.
“God, can you blame me, Ellie? Have you seen her ass? It’s amazing!”
But Anastasia didn’t hear the answer, because he opened the door and they went out into the hall. The door closed with a thunk and she sank down onto the toilet, knees weak and heart hammering.
What had just happened to her?
It took her another several minutes before Anastasia felt ready to return to a table full of her co-workers. Especially Victoria! How could she look at the lovely redhead without seeing her naked breasts swaying as gangly Frank fucked her ass? Sober now, she made her way back into the main room of the bar, knees still shaking.
Victoria waved at her the minute she came into view. Luckily, her cheeks were still flushed from all the alcohol and her own orgasm, so Anastasia didn’t think she blushed. Looking at the other woman, she’d never have known what she was just up to in the bathroom if she hadn’t watched it with her own eyes. She sat in her chair slowly, not meeting Victoria’s eyes.
“There you are!” the redhead cooed. “I was getting worried about you. Where’d you get to?”
“Oh. I went to get some fresh air, and then I went to the ladies room.” Anastasia shot a quick look beneath her lashes, but Victoria didn’t seem at all troubled by the mention of the lavatory.
In fact, she smiled broadly, her blue eyes twinkling with pleasure. “You’re not used to drinking, are you?” She reached out and tucked a loose strand of Anastasia’s thick brown hair back behind her ear. Victoria’s cool hand touched her heated cheek, and Anastasia shivered. The other woman stuck out her plump lower lip slightly. “Poor baby. You look a little wrung out.”
Anastasia nodded, unable to speak as Victoria stroked her cheek gently with soft fingers. Once the redhead dropped her hand, Anastasia managed to clear her throat. “Yeah. I feel a bit wrung out. I think I should go.”
“Okay,” Victoria sighed. Then she held out her hand. “Give me your phone.”
Anastasia blinked. “What?”
Victoria rolled her eyes, grinning and wriggling her fingers in a ‘come on’ gesture. “I’ll give it right back.”
She handed her cell over to the other woman. Victoria’s long fingernails tapped quickly against the screen and then she handed it back with a flourish. “There. Now you’ve got my number. Text me when you get home so I know you got there safe!”
“Oh, really, that’s not--”
“It is,” Victoria interrupted her. “Please. I’ll worry otherwise.”
Anastasia nodded. “Okay.”
The smile that curved Victoria’s mouth was pleased. “Good.” She leaned over suddenly, brushing her lips softly against the corner of Anastasia’s mouth. “I’m so glad I met you!”
Anastasia blinked, torn between the urge to reach up and touch the spot the older woman’s lips had kissed, and leaning in for another. That brief contact had made her lips tingle and her breath catch. What might it be like to extend that sensation? She shook her head, jerking her thoughts away from that new and unsettling territory.
“M-me too, Victoria.” She got up and beg
an backing toward the door. “Goodbye.”
A few of the others noticed her departure and waved or shouted, but Anastasia’s gaze was on Victoria. The redhead winked and blew her a kiss. “See you tomorrow, sweetie!”
Anastasia felt like she’d slept tied in knots. Her shoulders and back ached and her head throbbed. Her second day at E, E and K was not going well. She’d made it to work on time, despite the overall blah feeling her hangover left her with, but the good news stopped there. The first person she’d seen, aside from William at the front desk, was Frank. She hadn’t been able to meet his eye, or get the picture of him and Victoria out of her head, and she’d missed something he said.
That was the first time he’d yelled at her. Then, he’d introduced her to the other interns. All of them were young men, her age or a few years older, and it was clear from the look on their faces they weren’t too happy about a female joining their ranks. As soon as Frank left them to begin the day, they began razzing her. Mostly it was light hearted stuff she could shrug off, but it was clear some of them were bent on sending her fleeing from the building.
After several minutes of mean-spirited teasing from Serge, the nastiest of the lot, she’d cracked a little and told him to leave her ‘the fuck alone’. Of course, that’s when Frank had chosen to walk back into the room. That was the second time he’d yelled at her. Afterwards, he handed out assignments. She didn’t complain, although her assigned task of stapling 300 packets for the market research department was the worst of the lot. Something must have shown on her face though, because Frank had proceeded to read her the riot act, in front of all the other interns, for being to ‘uppity’.
“Newest intern always gets the bottom of the pile, Nabokov. That’s how it works. If you think I’m going to treat you differently just because you wear a skirt, you’ve got another thing coming! Now, take these boxes, get your ass in your office, and get to stapling!”
That was the third time he yelled at her. And it wasn’t even noon yet. She tried to shift her shoulders and ease some of the tension there, but it did little good. Sighing deeply, Anastasia assembled and stapled another packet. 73 down, 227 to go.
When the door to her closet sized office swung open a few minutes later, she was thankful for the reprieve. The sight of Victoria, wearing another tight skirt and almost-popped button blouse, framed in her doorway set her heart to racing. She’d dreamed about the woman last night. Blurry, sexy dreams that had left her feeling hot, aroused and confused. Those same feelings returned now.
“Do you hate me?” Victoria asked, tilting her head to the side. Her lush lower lip was pouted again. Anastasia’s fingers tightened on the packet she held. Did the statuesque redhead know she’d seen her in the bathroom with Frank?
Anastasia gulped. “W-what?”
Victoria stepped into the office and closed the door behind her, leaning back against it. “Is your hangover really bad? I wouldn’t have encouraged you to have so many SnowJobs if I’d known you weren’t really a drinker. I just get too excited sometimes!”
She remembered the look on the redhead’s face as she bucked, moaned, and begged to be fucked. Anastasia nodded. Then shook her head. “No, my hangover isn’t that bad, actually. Just... sort of all over achy.” She gave a small half-shrug, not moving her shoulder much. “I don’t hate you.”
The redhead beamed, leaning her hip against the desk beside Anastasia’s hand. “Oh good. I know I can come on a little strong when I first meet someone I like. Countless exes have made that abundantly clear.” She chuckled, the dimple in her cheek flashing.
“Maybe a little,” Anastasia agreed, smiling. “B-but it’s okay!” she hastened to assure the other woman as Victoria began to pout. “I mean, I like it. I like you. I mean...” She trailed off, blushing. “I have no idea how you do what you do. Put yourself out there like that. And everyone seems to know you and love you. I wish I was more like that.”
Victoria’s fingers brushed her jawline. “Seriously, you are like the cutest thing ever. Like a little baby bird. I just want to take you into my nest and nurture you and,” she waved her fingers gracefully through the air. “Teach you to fly!” She chuckled. “Is that weird?”
Anastasia felt a little ball of warmth bloom in her chest. “I think it’s nice. Thank you. I think I kind of needed to hear something like that, after the morning I’ve had.” She smiled ruefully.
The redhead’s slender brows furrowed. “Is someone giving you a hard time?”
“It’s nothing,” Anastasia said, brushing it off. Now that someone was being nice to her, the earlier stuff seemed like petty incidents. “Really.”
Victoria crossed her arms over her breasts, arching one eyebrow. “Come on, now. You have to tell me. I’m your Mama Bird, remember?”
Anastasia wasn’t sure she should say something. Victoria obviously had some sort of long-standing relationship with Frank, even if it was only sexual. She’d barely known Anastasia a day. It seemed unlikely she’d be willing to take up for her against her lover. Anastasia worried her lower lip. Victoria reached out, taking her chin in one hand and tipping her face up until Anastasia was looking into her eyes. Her thumb brushed along the edge of Anastasia’s jaw and her brows curved upward in question.
Anastasia sighed. “It’s just, I’ve been a bit of a space cadet today, because I’m feeling blah. And Frank and some of the other interns have been giving me a hard time. That’s all. Like I said, no big deal.”
“It is a big deal,” Victoria countered. “The interns are mostly giving you a hard time because you’re a woman, I’d guess. You’ll learn how to deal with them, don’t worry. I’ll help you figure out the ropes. Frank too. I’ll have a talk with him this time though, since it’s my fault.”
Images of just what Victoria’s ‘talk’ with Frank might consist of popped immediately into her head. Anastasia bit back a groan of mortification as her nipples tightened into hard points. “I-it’s not your fault, Victoria. You didn’t make me drink. I was nervous about my first day and trying to fit in. But I’m a b-big girl and I made my own choices.”
“Of course you do. But I was a bad influence. Trust me, just leave Frank to me this time, okay?”
Unable to think of a convincing argument not to, Anastasia subsided. And really, a small part of her brain pointed out, Victoria was going to have sex with Frank anyway. Why not let it benefit her? If he thought being nicer to Anastasia would give him more access to the luscious redhead, that wasn’t Anastasia’s business. “Okay. Thanks, Victoria.” She smiled gratefully at the other woman.
Victoria beamed back, reaching out to grab Anastasia’s hand and pull it into hers. The motion jerked her sore shoulder muscles and she hissed in pain. Victoria’s smooth, pale forehead furrowed in concern. “What’s wrong?”
She drew her hand free from Victoria’s and reached up to rub at the stiff muscle. “I just slept wrong.”
“Oh!” Victoria’s eyes went wide and she clapped her hands. “Let me! I’ve been taking classes!” She didn’t wait for a response. She jumped up from her position against the desk and slid behind Anastasia.
Anastasia opened her mouth to protest, but the minute Victoria’s hands began kneading the tense muscles of her shoulders her protests died, slipping from her mouth as groans of pleasure.
She knew Victoria had slender, small hands, but they were curiously strong as she pressed and massaged. “Wow, you have a lot of tension, Kat. You need to relax.”
“Mmmm,” she moaned in response as Victoria’s magic hands leaned her slightly forward and began to rub down her back. The friction of Victoria’s palms through her shirt created a halo of languid warmth around her, relaxing some of her tight muscles. As the pain fled, pleasure replaced it, fizzing in her veins. “That feels good,” she murmured, eyes slipping closed.
“That’s it,” Victoria said, voice quiet in the small, silent office. “Relax. Let Mama Bird take care of you. I’ll make you feel all better.” She dr
ew out ‘all’ for several extra syllables. Anastasia moaned again as Victoria’s hands moved up her sides, pressing in small circles with the base of her palms. Her fingertips grazed over her shirt with the barest caress.
Anastasia was beginning to feel so relaxed she hardly realized when Victoria drew her back in the chair again and continued working on her neck and shoulders. The rigid, low-backed chair had not been helping her aching back earlier but now it felt like a soft pillow. It took Anastasia’s drowsy mind several minutes to grasp the fact that her head was cradled against Victoria’s soft tits. She tried to sit up, pull away, but Victoria held her firm.
“Sshh, relax. Don’t tense up,” Victoria whispered, voice just above Anastasia’s ear. Anastasia remained stiff for a second longer and then relented, laying her head back onto the redhead’s pillowy bosom. It felt quite nice, really. Victoria’s stroking, rubbing hands slipped beneath the open collar of her button-down Oxford shirt.